Swaffield Primary School is at a turning point in its approach to teaching Computing and Technology. The school has a new leadership team that is ready to develop teachers’ skills and confidence. They are keen to integrate the teaching of STEAM subjects across the curriculum.

David Ring, the school’s Deputy Headteacher with ten years of experience developing technology at schools, has the vision to develop a STEAM approach to teaching and learning at Swaffield School. Having assessed teachers’ confidence and children’s learning it is clear that teachers have not received adequate training. Mr. Ring empowers teachers to teach STEAM subjects in a cross-curricular way that is both fun and engaging. “Digital Media Academy For Schools is the perfect curriculum to support us in our plan,” Ring said.

Mr. Ring decided that the challenge of developing teachers’ confidence and skills needed to be one where the teachers could see outstanding teaching of technology. Mr. Ring’s approach to developing teaching skills is through modelling lessons for a teacher. Following this, he team teaches with the teacher, before observing the teacher deliver the units independently. To further develop teachers’ skills, Digital Media Academy for Schools teacher resources section has a range of videos to support teachers and give them the knowledge and skills to deliver each lesson.

“Our school discovered Digital Media Academy for Schools at a technology event in London, England. Swaffield Primary is a school that uses a project-based approach to learning and Digital Media Academy for Schools is a perfect solution for our approach to delivering the curriculum,” shared Mr. Ring.

Using the Fun with Robots course, the children researched robots in the world; how humans use them; and debated whether robots made our lives better or more difficult. The children loved becoming robot engineers: they learned about the careers involved in the designing and building of robots. From a teaching perspective, this process was inspiring to see. The children designed robots that could tidy their bedrooms, fight fires, and paint skyscrapers.A student robot project ay the Swaffield Primary School

From designing robots to building prototypes and testing their designs, the children learned the engineering process. They experienced the process of how engineers plan and build prototypes and test their designs. Through this process, the children enriched their knowledge and vocabulary. Students were able to talk fluently about how engineers and programmers develop their ideas. The teaching guide videos are great because they develop teachers’ subject knowledge. The teachers felt confident in teaching the curriculum with easy-to-use resources.

The courses support our vision that teaching with a STEAM approach improves skills and knowledge across the whole curriculum. Our team is excited to deliver more integrated technology education with Digital Media Academy For Schools.

- David Ring, Deputy Headteacher, Swaffield School, London, England.