Edufuturo is the “EdTech” of the new consciousness. Our purpose is to build a new perception of life and prepare children and teenagers for the complex challenges of the future and the current world, uniting technology and wisdom together with our teaching methodologies to achieve these goals.
In addition to working with our methodologies, we wanted to bring world-class Technological Education to Brazil, that is our main objective. It was then we met Digital Media Academy (DMA), which has all the credentials, certifications, and curriculum we needed, in addition to having the values, principles, and worldviews very aligned to ours, thus contributing to, together with our own characteristics, accomplishing our purpose and objectives here in Brazil.
We are a school that aims to prepare students for life’s challenges and for the future. In our planning, we work towards the development of abilities that contribute to that objective. The curriculum and cross-curricular integration of DMA courses, as well as the ISTE standards for students, are a great asset in pursuing our goal. We also value that the content of the courses is relevant and attractive to the new generation.
Taking that into consideration, we use the material as a base for our classes. However, we do some modifications and add our own touch to it. We live in a big world. Different environments, different societies, different cultures… different realities. With that in mind, we work to make the material more appealing and relatable to our specific students, or “tropicalize it”, as we say. So, for example, instead of using a restaurant like Applebee’s as an object of study, we use a local equivalent company instead. Nevertheless, we maintain some of the foreign examples and data because we also think that it is important that students learn about the cultures, economies, politics, etc., of other countries.
Our school is having great results so far. Impacting around 30 students this year, we are more than satisfied to see that, through integrating DMA’s courses with our own methodology, students are learning and becoming more and more prepared for the challenges of life. The results that we are having are outstanding: students are speaking their minds up actively during the classes, discussing and creating ideas, and being original and creative. Also, as one of our main goals as a school is to develop our students’ social-emotional abilities, we notice that they are becoming more empathetic through their attitudes and reflections that are brought up by them during classes.
The most impactful moment for our teachers is when students express how much they like our classes. It’s sadly common to hear that they don’t like their classes, their teachers, doing homework, or even going to school. So when we get comments from them and their parents expressing their satisfaction, we know that we are on the right path towards an education that fosters enjoyment of the process of learning.
As for our students, the most impactful moment is when they get to be original with their work. Making their prototypes the way that they want, showing the way they are and what ideas they have through group discussions, and being challenged to complete both simple and complicated tasks by themselves and their own created solutions. That is definitely the richest moment for them.
When dealing with the DMA’s curriculum we’ve had little to almost no obstacles or barriers. Edufuturo uses a gamification method that corroborates with the national curriculum of Brazil’s BNCC (Common National Curriculum Base) as well as STEAM, World Economic Forum’s 10 skills for the future, and core skills (hard skills plus soft skills).
At first, we had to delve deeper into DMA’s curriculum to check if it was aligned with ours and if it could contribute to us achieving our goals as a school. By unifying our methodologies and curriculums, we have the opportunity not only to create something valuable but to also c