Sri KDU International School opened in 2019 and seeks to prepare its students for the current technological revolution. The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for educational systems worldwide while bringing much-needed attention to the importance of connectivity and the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning.

Sri KDU saw this as the perfect opportunity to start their term with online learning and found Digital Media Academy (DMA)’s online technology curriculum was an ideal fit for their students. The team was also interested in how to integrate DMA’s curriculum into its Digital Leadership Program.

The team at Sri KDU introduced their Digital Leadership Program as an essential subject and part of their weekly schedule. They ran a pilot program for 12 weeks with DMA courses, where they introduced students to various courses offered through DMA’s online learning platform, which would be studied in depth throughout the year.

It was the first time students at Sri KDU would be studying remotely. Hence the instructors wanted to introduce only introductory lessons to gauge students’ interests and not overwhelm them with a lot of information. They started with DMA courses “The Power of Pictures”, “Exploring the Internet” and “Mobile Journalism” to build students’ excitement and curiosity.

Students were excited to do activities like creating digital posters, a script’s journey to a storyboard, mobile journalism benefits, and many more. They took artistic pictures as one of the tasks, edited them, and created beautiful collages. Students and teachers both found the courses easy to use, teach, and learn with. Students enjoyed the course’s content so much that there were requests from other classes and students to be a part of the project.

Leaders and educators found student engagement increasing, and students were excited and eager to come back in the next term to